Create error-free broadcast schedules

With our Planner application, you can effortlessly create frame-accurate broadcast schedules for each day. Populate the schedule previously created in the Programmer with trailers, secondary events, and commercials. You can do this manually or automatically by using our wizards for an error-free schedule.

app image

Scheduling elements for promotions

Wizard - supported planning

Error display in case of over- or underplanning

Easy scheduling

Easy scheduling

  • Scheduling of different promotion elements via drag-and-drop
  • Fast and assistant-supported planning
  • Automatic calculation of all planning elements
  • Supported planning display by remaining times
  • Multi-user planning possible
Automatic error display

Automatic error display

  • Scheduling of frame-accurate transmission plans
  • Easy work due to graphical display
  • Automatic calculation for an error-free transmission schedule
  • Avoid under- or over-scheduling
  • Checking at license level
Secondary Event Scheduling

Secondary Event Scheduling

  • Events that provide viewers with information about the program (image crawls, inserts, etc.)
  • Easy drag-and-drop scheduling
  • Macro language to read relevant data (start times, titles, etc.)
  • Better overview of scheduled secondary events through layout function
Wizard-supported planning

Wizard-supported planning

  • Easy scheduling of trailers, design elements or commercials with wizards
  • Support for planning
  • Selection of ready-made commercial breaks, segments, slots, etc.

These apps are suitable with Planner

Complete your planning workflow with our two apps Content and Programmer.

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Manage content and metadata

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Linear program planning

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Discover our other apps

Everything you need for your broadcast business.


Who is Planner suitable for?

Our app Planner supports broadcast planners in their daily work.

How can I schedule my advertising with Planner?

You can either schedule your advertising directly or import it via an external service provider.

Do you offer the Planner app as software as a service?

Yes, with the support of our central CreateCtrl Cloud AWS, you can easily use all our apps as SaaS.

What other apps can help me with the planning process?

Use our Content app for metadata management. Our app Programmer will help you with your program planning. With Assets you can conveniently manage your materials and the License App is used for license organization.

What interfaces is Planner compatible with?

Planner is compatible with a number of interfaces, such as:
- Connect EMA
- Connect HMS
- Connect-Goldbach

How many users can work in Planner at the same time?

Any number of users can work in Planner at the same time.